Musical compositions, productions, and musings of Tanay Mannikar


Hello there! I am Tanay Mannikar (Da Syncopator), a 20-year-old composer, producer, engineer, and overall enthusiast of music and math. I currently attend the University of Texas at Austin. I have played and composed for the piano since age 5, but started producing music in other software in high school. During this time, my performances at biannual recitals were an inspiration for many students to keep on practicing and to value hard work and dedication, and I shortly worked there as a substitute piano teacher for younger and special-needs students.

I currently do research and study in the fields of engineering acoustics, signal processing, numerical simulation, and machine learning towards numerous applications in audio.

I have a neurological condition known as synesthesia which allows me to see any form of audio or music as a series of textures, colors, shapes, and visuals. As a perfect-pitch individual, I have a strong ability to detect minute changes in pitch and identify notes, chords, and timbres. frequently implement my synesthetic abilities when composing or creating music to identify what textures, rhythms, and intervals satisfy me the most both visually and musically. I hope to research this phenomenon further at the scientific level and spread awareness of this interesting ability that I share with many others out there.

My first piece, "Orchid Rag," was composed in 2018 and copyrighted with the U.S. government in 2019. I have since composed and published numerous scores on my platform, including over 20 rags and a piece composed for and approved by my high school's band director for percussion ensemble. Since then, I have released multiple albums and EPs in the electronic and instrumental hip-hop genres, incorporating instances of microtonality and mathematical properties of music throughout my work.

Feel free to contact me at my email here for any inquiries or further questions! Until then, I hope you enjoy my work that I have displayed here.

Find my music on under the Da Syncopator label along with my other compositions and projects here:

YouTube (Da Syncopator)

YouTube (Tanay's Compositions)




